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Mikuni TM 24mm Flatslide Carb
Mikuni TM 24mm Flatslide Carb
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Price: $161.99

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The best carburetor that we sell for the largest of the Moped big bore kits. Great for the Puch Gilardoni Kit, and the Derbi Metrakit 74cc Kit among others.

Bore Size: 24mm
Spigot Mount: 31mm
Main Jet: 130
Pilot Jet: 15
Jet: 454-Q0
Valve: 6
Needle: 5N13
Mikuni Part#: TM24-8001

For tuning tips, check out Garage. The worlds largest moped tuning database. Here are the list of the top builds in garage using this jet. Use Garage as a guide to what jet you need.

Some Mikuni 24mm Builds and the Jets they are using. Mikuni TM Builds

Things you may need for this
LBMopeds Silicone 30mm Mikuni Carburetor Coupler -Black Mikuni Jet Wrench Mikuni TM VM Large Hex 4/042 Main Jet K&N RU-0200 Air Filter -Mikuni Size
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LBMopeds Silicone 30mm Mikuni Carburetor Coupler -Black Mikuni Jet Wrench Mikuni TM VM Large Hex 4/042 Main Jet K&N RU-0200 Air Filter -Mikuni Size

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