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Puch E50 Pro Quality Oil Seal Kit
Puch E50 Pro Quality Oil Seal Kit
Price: $12.99

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If you are getting oil on your points, mysterious loss of compression, or fouling sparkplugs like crazy, here you go. Crack that Puch E50 engine, and replace them all in one sitting.

Includes: 3 oil seals.

Average Rating: Average Rating: 1 of 5 1 of 5 Total Reviews: 1 Write a review »

  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
1 of 5 oil seals October 23, 2021
Reviewer: gordon gramont from Sheldon, IL United States  
i replaced all oil seals on e50 puch motor because of oil on plug fowling , when finished it did the same fowling . was not to happy with my purchase.

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